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Paint Guidelines

Exterior painting is subject to prior written architectural approval by ABM’s Architectural Review Committee (ARC). The ARC is comprised of five members who are appointed by the ABM Board President. For your convenience, the committee meets twice monthly, on the first and third Wednesday at 8:00 AM at the ABM office.

Paint Application Exterior House Areas Diagram


Submitting a Paint Application: What You Need to Know

  • Applications may be picked up at our office or downloaded above.
  • You may use any brand of exterior paint you wish.
  • Exterior paint must be flat or satin paint finish.
  • Even if you intend to paint your house the same color, you must submit a form for, and obtain approval, prior to painting. Color is a trend, and trends change.
  • Include 4 paint chip samples for each color you are submitting for approval. These must be a minimum of 2″ x 3″ each. (Provide a few samples of each if they are smaller in size.)
  • Our office has a color scheme book available for viewing or home check out, as well as take-home paint chip samples.
  • You may also visit Dunn-Edwards website to view our color schemes.​​​
  • Paint applications containing colors from our color scheme book can commonly be approved the same day they are received in our office.
  • It may take up to 6 weeks before your application can be reviewed at an ARC meeting, dependent upon the number of applications received. However, our policy allows up to 45 days for the review process to be completed.
  • You are welcome and encouraged to attend the ARC meeting when your application is discussed to ask or answer questions that may arise.
  • Please write legibly and complete all sections of the application including your email address, as that is how you will be notified of the committee decision for your application.
  • No verbal approvals will be given.

Additional Information

  • Application volume is higher in the fall and spring. Applications submitted in the summer typically have shorter processing times.
  • ​Choose neutral, geographically appropriate based colors that will complement the surrounding neighborhood.
  • Color trends change periodically. Consider a new color to give your home a fresh look.
  • You may peruse your neighborhood for homes with paint schemes that appeal to you. Should you find one you like, simply provide us the address and, if we have the information on file, we will provide you the specific paint colors used.

For more information, please read the Procedures and Guidelines of the Architectural Review Committee.

We look forward to working with you to maximize your enjoyment of your property and improve your neighborhood. Please contact us at 480-893-3502 if you have questions, suggestions, or ​require further information. We are happy to help!

Note: If your property has a sub-association, you must contact their management company for any changes. If you are unsure how to contact them, please call ABM for assistance.