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The 2024 annual assessment is $248.85 and payment is due January 1st. A late fee is charged if payment reaches our office after January 30th.

There are 5,073 homes within the planned community of Ahwatukee, governed by the Ahwatukee Board of Management.

A subdivision is the act of dividing land into pieces that are easier to sell or otherwise develop, usually via a plat.  A subdivision is also known as a “phase” or “phasing” within a master plat and may include a single-phase or, in the case of a master-planned community, many phases.  Typically, developers open subdivisions incrementally within communities as infrastructure is built in conjunction with demand.  Ahwatukee has 56 subdivisions within our master-planned community.  In large-scale communities, subdivisions can vary and include varying architecture, price points, amenities (such as equestrian, agritopia, lakes, mountainside or view lots, etc.). 

A sub-association indicates additional services or amenities are present that require an additional assessment. Townhomes and duplexes, custom home areas and “themed” communities require a sub-association, including separate governance and management, to maintain exterior paint, roofs, mailboxes, landscape, clubhouses, common areas, pools or other amenities.

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Assessments are used to maintain ABM-owned property, including the approximately 106 acres of drainage channels and common area, 195 space RV storage park, and a 3.5 acre Community Center which includes a park, swimming pool, baseball field, 6 tennis courts, 2 basketball courts, and community garden.

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The Board meets regularly to make business decisions on matters that affect any large corporation. The annual assessment provides for just over 50% of the ABM’s annual operating budget. The balance of the budget is comprised of administrative fees and user fees from the facilities. Ahwatukee’s common areas include approximately 106 acres of greenbelt and desert channels requiring regular maintenance and upkeep for proper drainage and safety for homeowners. Our Community Center, private community park, RV Storage Park, swimming pool, tennis courts, community garden, and basketball courts also require full-time attention and business decisions. The ABM office and management staff oversee all amenities as well as processing all home sales transactions, performing CC&R enforcement, accounting, and legal matters.

Yes; swim, tennis instructional classes require a fee for daily, monthly, or annual use. The park and community garden are free and open to our residents.

Yes. Painting, re-roofing, fences, patio covers, hardscape landscaping, driveways, additions, and various other exterior changes are all subject to approved architectural review. An Architectural Review Committee reviews applications twice each month as we strive to maintain an aesthetically pleasing community and maintain property values.

ABM is an Arizona nonprofit corporation, governed by a 7 member volunteer Board of Directors who are elected by the membership.  Each April, an annual membership meeting is held to elect Directors.  ABM is a self-managed community and employs its own management and staff.  The Board of Directors directs ABM staff to implement its policies and procedures.

The ABM staff is here to serve our residents with our office lobby open from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and by telephone Monday through Friday. Should you have Community Center questions about child enrichment or fitness classes, tennis, swimming, basketball court, facility rentals, RV storage, or park use, please call 480-893-3431.