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Welcome to Ahwatukee

A Covenant Protected Community


Our History
Rules & Regulations
ABM Common Area Maintenance Requests

Report Water Emergency

Exterior Changes & Applications
ABM Fees

Ahwatukee Board of Management

A Master Planned Community in Phoenix, AZ

The original owners of the over 2,000 acres of our community called this land “Casa de Suenos,” or “House of your Dreams.” Later, the community would be called Ahwatukee, the Crow Indian translation. Ahwatukee Board of Management lives up to this name by providing a small-town feel on the outskirts of the bustling metropolis of Phoenix, AZ. Close to the mountains and surrounded by beauty and nature, you’ll get the feeling you live in a smaller city. A community that values our neighbors, Ahwatukee is comprised of over 5,000 homes, from retirement designated areas, villas, duplexes, luxury estates, and equestrian-friendly lots, Ahwatukee offers something for everyone.

view of Ahwatukee

Community Amenities

The Ahwatukee Board of Management offers amenities to residents and their guests. We enjoy fun events for your entire families including Chili Cook-off, car show, dog show, youth summer camps, and more. Our amenities include:

  • Community swimming pool*
  • Community garden
  • Tennis courts*
  • RV storage park*
  • Community and Event Centers*
  • Private park with gazebos
  • Playground
  • Blue Star memorial host
  • Baseball fields
  • Basketball (new)

*User fee apply